Monday, December 29, 2014

A song I like

Tenha Do - Los Hermanos

I knew this song this winter when I traveled with my two best friends, Victor and Eduardo. In the trip we met two Brazilian brothers, Jade and Caio. They knew Chile a few weeks ago, and Jade love it, the Chilean people, Chilean culture and most of all Chilean music. I sent all Chilean music to her. She only has this song and shows me, I like this song for many reasons, but the most important was that she sent me it and resumes the entire trip. The song remind me laughter, walks, cold, hot, rain, friendship, hungry, company and happiness. This two brothers and us traveled together since then and we continue talking instill now. 
When I come back to Chile, find more song by Los Hermanos, and really like them.
The song Tenha do is about a break up, and it’s painful and longsuffering

Los hermanos was a famous Brazilian group but they ended.


  1. I hate the brazilian people. They suffer with so many happiness.

  2. Nice music, the song make me happy!!

  3. Hi Verah!
    I don´t know this group but is good. Also i like so much the brasilian music!
