Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A country I would like to visit

Today I'll talk about a country I would like to visit. Truly since when I was a child I would like to visit Ecuador, because my grandmother always tell me stories about a friends of her how has travelled and knew this country, He gifts to my grandmother amazing things from Ecuador, instruments, religious things, handicraft and also many stories.

Since then I hear that stories from Ecuador, beautiful places, his people and his culture. Maybe Mariano, my grandmother's friends, was a good storyteller, I don't know, but always He impressed me with this country.

I would like to prove so many kinds of Ecuadorian food, different flavours or colours.  I would like to know his fauna, his architecture, all of them for myself.

I would like to stay there a few months after university, with time to stay anytime that I want.
At the first time just to know the country, then I would like visit other countries, cities, towns, to later pick up a place to live.

1 comment:

  1. Ecuador is a good destination on South America. I like the picture of the mountain, like the famous Japanese mountains.
