Monday, January 5, 2015


2014 was an incredible and intense year to me. I had a many experiences; I think that I grew up in different way; many things helped me to that.
At the beginning of the year I was in Buenos Aires, I flew there with two friends of university, we went to see to another friend how lives there, and also study Arts. So I started the New Year without my family at the first time, something new to me because my nuclear family is very close.
I traveled to Bolivia in winter with two friends; we knew beautiful people, places, and traditions from all of Latino America, not just Bolivia. Was a nutritious trip, I learnt so much from me, my friends, the Bolivian people, the travel in general.
My sister left our house, in July. Let it us alone with my mother, she lived near from we lived when were kids. Now Maga, my sister, traveled to Mexico to study a semester there.
I lost a friend of mine in September in a car accident, that was a difficult to me and my other friends, we were friends since school so we knew each other extremely. But it’s part of life, so…

Well, that was my year, I laughed a lot, I traveled, I lost but also I won many things in my life.


  1. I went to Bolivia too this year, is a really good place !

  2. I'm glad that you traveled and knew different cultures :) , I send forces to the family of your friend
