Thursday, January 15, 2015

Have you ever...?

·         Have you ever broken up with someone?
Yes I have, when I was a teenager, in the high school I have a boyfriend how lives so close to my house, so we saw very frequently. And when we broke up was really awkward, see in the market or on the bus stop.

·         Have you ever slept in a tent?
Yes, I have. When I was a child with my family to the holidays went to the beach or the country, and we camped with all of them, my big family it’s really big, so when we travelled together it was a crazy and funny experience.

·         Have you ever swum in the ocean?
Yes, I love swim in the ocean. To the holidays with my family always swam in the ocean. Even once, with my sister swam until the safe zone limit, we were still little by that time, we stay with my father this time, but he just saw us from the sand.

·         Have you ever been mugged?
Yes, I actually have. It was the last year, in August, I guess. And it was a horrible experience because I was alone, walking to my place, near to the San Cristóbal hill. They were 5 women, and one of them stands up front of me and she threated me with a knife or something like that. And they keep it with my backpack.


  1. Ohh, I know about your break up. Ever talking about that guy. Maybe you can´t get over this relation.

  2. VeraH !! that's great that you like swimming in the ocean.

  3. Sleep on tent is very funny, but also it can very uncomfortable
