Thursday, January 22, 2015

The artist who I admire is Felix Maruenda, there are more, but if I have to decide only one then I say him. He is a Chilean sculpture and He was born in Santiago in 1942. He studied sculpture at the school of Fine Arts at the University of Chile.
I know him since when I was a child; my mom’s couple showed me his work, his sculptures, which are all over Santiago.
His work is generally creating abstract shapes combined with figurative elements reflecting an interest in the integration of the work and the architecture in which it is located.
He is dedicated to forging techniques using sheet metal of all kinds: aluminum sheets, iron scrap, barbed wire. But also he used reinforced plastic, tile, cement plaster and wood.
I like this artist because his works include themes with a strong commitment to social and political problems of the time of the Unidad Popular and the post-1973 coup Chilean history. However He can shows their sculptures in a different way. And this combination, between the social component and the materials that He used, are a good mix, to me.

Moreover he provided a great concern for nature, creating sculptures with environmental issues. I think it’s great.

Homenaje al Trabajador, 2004

Escape de Gas, 1972

1 comment:

  1. I live very close of one of his big sculptures. From my house I can see "Homenaje al Trabajador", Is a great sculpture!
