Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Final Post!!! :)

About The English summer course experience:

1. What kind of activities and things have you done and learnt in classes?

Well, in classes we did many things. Besides to the blog we did activities online, they were like listening or writing and at end the page send you a report of your result, so then you know how good or bad are you. Also we practice how pronounce some words, and practice namely some letters; it be dependent to the word and de consonants those go with. 

2. What aspects of the English language do you still have to improve? How do you plan to do it?

The most difficult to me its read and writes in English, I think that I need to read more in English, so this way I can learn and memorize the words and can remember when I'm reading. On the other side, I understand when the people talk, even when I listen to music or watch a movie I can understand what say. I have a good ear. 

About your well deserved summer holidays:

1. What are you going to do in February? Tell me about your plans for your summer vacations.

With a friend of mine want travel to Ecuador in February, I think the first week. This trip we did have planned since the winter holidays, because she couldn’t travel with me and my friends to Bolivia, so she says to me that this summer holidays we travel together, without my other two friends. That was fun, but I think we’ll meet too there. I’m exiting for this trip.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The artist who I admire is Felix Maruenda, there are more, but if I have to decide only one then I say him. He is a Chilean sculpture and He was born in Santiago in 1942. He studied sculpture at the school of Fine Arts at the University of Chile.
I know him since when I was a child; my mom’s couple showed me his work, his sculptures, which are all over Santiago.
His work is generally creating abstract shapes combined with figurative elements reflecting an interest in the integration of the work and the architecture in which it is located.
He is dedicated to forging techniques using sheet metal of all kinds: aluminum sheets, iron scrap, barbed wire. But also he used reinforced plastic, tile, cement plaster and wood.
I like this artist because his works include themes with a strong commitment to social and political problems of the time of the Unidad Popular and the post-1973 coup Chilean history. However He can shows their sculptures in a different way. And this combination, between the social component and the materials that He used, are a good mix, to me.

Moreover he provided a great concern for nature, creating sculptures with environmental issues. I think it’s great.

Homenaje al Trabajador, 2004

Escape de Gas, 1972

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Have you ever...?

·         Have you ever broken up with someone?
Yes I have, when I was a teenager, in the high school I have a boyfriend how lives so close to my house, so we saw very frequently. And when we broke up was really awkward, see in the market or on the bus stop.

·         Have you ever slept in a tent?
Yes, I have. When I was a child with my family to the holidays went to the beach or the country, and we camped with all of them, my big family it’s really big, so when we travelled together it was a crazy and funny experience.

·         Have you ever swum in the ocean?
Yes, I love swim in the ocean. To the holidays with my family always swam in the ocean. Even once, with my sister swam until the safe zone limit, we were still little by that time, we stay with my father this time, but he just saw us from the sand.

·         Have you ever been mugged?
Yes, I actually have. It was the last year, in August, I guess. And it was a horrible experience because I was alone, walking to my place, near to the San Cristóbal hill. They were 5 women, and one of them stands up front of me and she threated me with a knife or something like that. And they keep it with my backpack.

Films Directors

Marcelo Piñeyro is a Argentinian director. He was born in 1953, also he is a scriptwriter. He has won a lot of prizes, like 21, I guess. Between they was a Premio Konex for his trajectory.
Trully, I don't know so much from this Director, but I knew for a movie, that was and is myt favorite now, because it's very intense, has a lot of drama, but also love and passion. His name is Tango Feroz, La Leyenda de Tanguito. It's an Argentinian film inspired in life of a singer-songwriter, José Alberto Iglesias Correa, alias Tanguito. In this movie we can see a Tanguito passionate to the music but with many personal troubles, like drugs problem or political problem. He also has a romance with a girl, Mariana; she was his lover and muse. It’s a great movie with a tragic final, which has the tragic death of Tanguito in the Palermo’s Station.

Andrés Wood is a Chilean director; He was born in Santiago in 1965. The movie that I like from him is Machuca but also I recently see Ecos Del Desierto by Wood. Both of them are amazing films with an incredible photograph direction. I really recommend the two movies.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?

I like the old soap operas, it was extremely entertaining, I think that was a real interest for made a good show, but I think that the new soap operas are a garbage, they haven't a good story or actors, in my opinion the new soap operas sucks and are boring. 

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I guess the marijuana should be decriminalizing because in this way the people how want use it, like personal use, don't risk prision for have troubles with the law. The point is decriminalizing but not legalizing.
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I truly think that abortion must be legalize in all way, because not only in violation or if the pregnancy is dangerous you can abort. I think it’s a big responsibility but you should decide the moment to have a child.

What is your opinion about "barras bravas"?

I dont know, it would be good have a favourite soccer team but its a different when the "barra brava" do bad thinghs like kill people or not permit see the match peacefully.

What is your opinión about Chilean politicians?
The Chilean politicians how are participants of a political organization take decisions disregarding the opinion of another people who participate also in politic. A lot of times this desitions are taken for your own interests.

Monday, January 5, 2015


2014 was an incredible and intense year to me. I had a many experiences; I think that I grew up in different way; many things helped me to that.
At the beginning of the year I was in Buenos Aires, I flew there with two friends of university, we went to see to another friend how lives there, and also study Arts. So I started the New Year without my family at the first time, something new to me because my nuclear family is very close.
I traveled to Bolivia in winter with two friends; we knew beautiful people, places, and traditions from all of Latino America, not just Bolivia. Was a nutritious trip, I learnt so much from me, my friends, the Bolivian people, the travel in general.
My sister left our house, in July. Let it us alone with my mother, she lived near from we lived when were kids. Now Maga, my sister, traveled to Mexico to study a semester there.
I lost a friend of mine in September in a car accident, that was a difficult to me and my other friends, we were friends since school so we knew each other extremely. But it’s part of life, so…

Well, that was my year, I laughed a lot, I traveled, I lost but also I won many things in my life.